Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Momma's House

Since this is partly an interior design blog, I feel compelled to share one interior design project that I did complete. Since we haven't begun our home yet, I thought I'd share my Momma and Daddy's house with you. This was a renovation project that was completed about 5 months ago...but you have to see the before to truly appreciate the after.

The living room was extremely dark pre-makeover...well, we changed that!

The furniture and dingy carpet was another thing that was less than appealing; however, as you'll see, did a major overhaul on that as well.

The couch looks much better! This one is from Pottery Barn, the one and ONLY splurge in this whole makeover. We found the rest of the pieces at Canton and at Home Goods. The pillows, end table, and lamp all came from Home Goods.

The coffee table was a Canton find as were several of the other pieces you'll see in the photos. We used antique books to decorate the table that we found at the Hubbard Antique Mall (One of my favorite haunts!) The white hen and rooster were actually made by my Nannie. 

Ok, the fireplace was another major project. I don't have a picture of the before on this one,  but I can tell you that it was brick that had been painted every color under the sun. The last color was a very dark chocolate brown. Again with the darkness!

It had to go A.S.A.P!! We actually had the fireplace plastered and it turned out great. For the top half, we painted that a warm white (the same color as the walls). As for the bottom half, we applied a faux finish. I used the Sherwin Williams faux finish kit and applied a charcoal glaze. 

This really brought out the imperfections in the plaster, which is what we were going for. 

Here are a few finishing touches we added to the living room.
This clock was another Home Goods purchase that we framed with an old window frame, another Canton find.

The mirror wall is an ongoing project. Mom adds to it as she finds new pieces and I think it really adds a person touch to the space.

The bench in the entry-way is, again, from Home Goods. Mom found the grain sack out junkin' and we turned it into a pillow. 

This is just an old piece of ceiling tin, but I LOVE it! Perfectly imperfect!

On to the office. I can't begin to tell you how much I hated this room before! WAY too masculine and dark. Not anymore...

This is the same wall, what a difference! 
This is yet another Home Goods purchase and the pillows were my Nannies. 

On out to the laundry room...
I simply love this piece! A Canton find from the same booth as the coffee table and the island that is pictured below. If you're ever there, you have to check out the booth...He's in the Arbor right in front of the the big coffee shop...Arbor II I think. I may be wrong though, let me know if you can remember the exact location.
All of his pieces are made from old doors and windows! Primitive Chic at it's best! 

This is the island from the same Canton booth! The picture's a little dark, but hopefully you can still see the fabulous color!

We old washboards to decorate the laundry room...again, it pays to junk!

Last, but certainly not last, the bar! This used to be just textured sheetrock...boring. This transformation cost about $80.00 start to finish. 
 We got the ceiling tins at Canton in the Junker's Paradise area. They were $70.00 for about 160 tins...not a bad deal. Next, we nailed them up with a nail gun and sealed them with a matte lacquer from Sherwin Williams. Last, Daddy framed the bottom.
Thats it...drab to fab and it took about three hours start to finish!

It was a process, but I think it turned out beautifully and Mom and Dad are very satisfied customers (of course they didn't pay for my services, lol!)


  1. I love Canton, and your make over is great, light and still homey, love chippy shabby.


  2. Thanks Lezlee! Glad you liked the makeover and so glad you stopped by the blog! Have a great day!
